Get in touch with
MOVE Congress Secretariat

Because we love helping people be physically active.
Lets talk. Or chat. Or …

МOVE Congress Team

Jacob Schouenborg

Secretary General

Laura-Maria Tiidla

Head of Development and Partnerships

Saska Benedicic Tomat

Head of Projects

Elena Garcia Morales

Finance Manager

Jakob Breddam


Jens Otto Størup

Managing Director

Jan Nielsen

Head of Partnerships

“We believe in the power of inspiration. And we have seen that sharing practical, real life solutions can achieve more in reality than any theoretical construct. Therefore, we constantly look to create opportunities for our members and partners to get involved in piloting new initiatives, scaling up successful ones, organising events, influencing decision-makers and learning from each other.”


ISCA Secretary General

MOVE Congress Secretariat

Vesterbrogade 6D
1620 Copenhagen V, Denmark

Call us at: +45 29 48 55 51


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